Monday, June 15, 2009

Confessions of a stay at home mom... a pregnant stay at home mom!

I confess...
My kids have watched more than the recommended dose of TV these past few weeks. Probably close to 2 hours on some days...
I have skipped a shower in a 24 hour period more than once in the past 3 weeks.
I have wished I was back in college dreaming about what outfit I was going to wear to my next sorority function
My kids were in their pjs for more than 50% of the day
My kids have been sneaking into our bed randomly for the past few months and I LOVE IT
I convinced myself that Chic Fil A fries are considered a vegetable being from potatoes so that counted as a serving for the day
I allowed the kids to use a dip in the pool as their bath
Our dog licked the table clean the other night after spaghetti and I thanked her for allowing me to skip this step in clean up
Our 2 year old still likes her bottle at night... too tired to break this habit, figure she wont go to college with it
I had a dream last week I posed for Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition right after giving birth and gave Heidi Klum kudos for encouraging me
I take my kids to Publix as early in the am as possible so they can have a doughnut for breakfast while I shop along with some healthy sunny d to wash it down
I love reality TV especially the shows no one will admit they watch!
I get my hair twist inspiration from LC aka Lauren from the hills... you know who she is!!

that feels good to get off my chest... going to go do some penance and fold laundry and cook a healthy meal while teaching my kids Latin, tending the garden, straightening the house and knitting my husband some new socks


Lyndsey said...

Haha... I love this!

Anonymous said...

seriously, em, we need to hang out more often. i want to absorb your awesomeness. also, i haven't heard anything about the baby...what's going on?!