Friday, February 27, 2009

I want to pick up that red phone!

Earl Stewart loves to talk about his red phone... how you can pick it up if you have any problems... well we have a big problem and I am sure he wont pick up and if he does, he wont do anything about it. We will never do two things again
1. Buy or Lease a car from Earl Stewart Again... Period!
2. Lease a car... Period!

It has been a nightmare... the overage mileage, the inspections and now the 1200.00 in damages they want us to pay to turn the car in. Now if I had damages that were as a result of something we did, like back into someone or scrape up the side of the car, fine... but they want 30.00 to turn off the Check Engine light. I thought that light came on when the engine needed checking and was part of warranty along with the hatchback which wont stay open because it never worked right to begin with...we went to Toyota, told them we would buy a new car from them if they took off the overage mileage cost (800.00) they said no... so we bought our Pathfinder, and got a check from them for 800.00 to pay Toyota... ha ha ha...sorry, needed to vent... dont even get me started on Obama's plan to put us into over a trillion dollars debt

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Perfection inspired by Disney

Does it aggravate anyone else that every darn princess and female character under the age of 40 has 23 inch hips, perfect six pack abs, tiny little legs, and big beautiful boobs all shown off in either a swimsuit (little mermaid), form fitting gown (cinderella, snowwhite, sleeping beauty) or a tube top and capris (jasmine)... I mean do they mean to drive every girl into a sexy form fitting outfit or just make us all realize how imperfect our figures are in the eyes of prince charming... it is all a bit frustrating especially when you leave the parade pushing a stroller full of children you now proudly birthed and have a full figure to show for it as you head for the hot dog stand and mickey mouse ice- cream guy...
I guess we should just spend more time in Sea World where we can sit near shamu and feel really good about ourselves...

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Magical suprise

Tomorrow morning we are waking the kids up early and taking them to the Magic Kingdom. It is a total suprise. Dont know why really, just because...
These are the moments I treasure, the night before a big day in their little lives. I picture their faces when we pull into the Magic Kingdom and they are in awe, I imagine their little bodies squirming all over the place as we park the car and thier voices squealing in delight as we board the monorail.
Our kids are awesome, they deserve and awesome I hope to get an awesome night of sleep so I can keep up with them in the am...

Friday, February 13, 2009


I am a blog slacker, I admit it... many times I go to post and think I dont have much to say about anything that anyone would really want to read... so I read eveyone else's blogs and realize its true, I dont have much to say about anything too I am thinking I will just start blogging about random, non thought provoking things just to say I actually blog...any thoughts

Its A....

we don't was a hard call, one we will hear never hear the end of from the likes of mothers, in- laws, friends and many others. we have never not found out the sex and seeing we are blessed to already have both, have struggled to have this little one and may be at the end of the baby making line after this, we figured why not wait until the big day to hear the doctor say "its a..."