Sunday, February 22, 2009

Perfection inspired by Disney

Does it aggravate anyone else that every darn princess and female character under the age of 40 has 23 inch hips, perfect six pack abs, tiny little legs, and big beautiful boobs all shown off in either a swimsuit (little mermaid), form fitting gown (cinderella, snowwhite, sleeping beauty) or a tube top and capris (jasmine)... I mean do they mean to drive every girl into a sexy form fitting outfit or just make us all realize how imperfect our figures are in the eyes of prince charming... it is all a bit frustrating especially when you leave the parade pushing a stroller full of children you now proudly birthed and have a full figure to show for it as you head for the hot dog stand and mickey mouse ice- cream guy...
I guess we should just spend more time in Sea World where we can sit near shamu and feel really good about ourselves...


Unknown said...

Uhh, I don't know... we were just at SeaWorld and I wasn't feeling a whole lot better... sure shamu was huge, but take a look at all the trainers and you start feeling pretty pathetic. Sure they're fully covered in a wetsuit but wetsuits may just be one of the most unflattering articles of clothing ever designed and they're all tiny and perfectly shaped. If you can look good in a wetsuit then you're doing pretty good, unless the wetsuit comes with some crazy fat-destroying-shape-altering thing, it won't be coming anywhere near this body! But then again, shamu probably makes anyone look tiny and perfectly shaped :)

Anonymous said...

hahahaha that just made me laugh out loud. :) girl, you eat your mickey mouse ice cream bar. eat two! i bet cinderella is on her blog right now writing about how bad she wants one.

Lyndsey said...

Haha.. that was great. And I loved the comment from Char and Katie. Too funny.