Since when did it become socially acceptable to blackberry at dinner with other people? or when you are in a car with someone? or when you are at a social function? I mean unless you are the CEO, CFO or some big time exec. whose company simply can not function without you for one hour. I guess the person or people you are with are not as important as the ones you are texting, which I feel in that case spend the time with the person you are texting not the person you are with. I know some will take offense to this, but it offends me when you are texting instead of talking to me or those around you.
Since when did it become acceptable for kids to carry a cell phone? I hear it all the time.. " we need to know where they are", " what if we need to get a hold of them to tell them to get home or where we are picking them up"... how about You are the parent, you should already know where they are and if they aren't old enough to be where you told them to be they shouldn't be alone.
Since when did it become appropriate for kids to bring headphones, ipods, DVD players and gameboys to dinner? If you want your children to entertain themselves, then you need to either leave them at home, or check your thoughts on parenting. How about having a conversation with your kids at dinner? I see it at restaurants all the time, parents blackberrying, little ones playing gameboys, teens on the phone. When did we loose such interest in being together as a family in fellowship with one another?
Friday, February 29, 2008
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
The sweetest thing..
We are so touched to hear Pace pray lately. He is filled with such conviction when he prays. Last night at dinner, he almost brought tears to our eyes as he prayed "God, thank you so much for each of the children in our family, and thank you so much for this wonderful food mommy made, and thank you so much for this whole world and everyone in it. God, thank you so much for having Jesus die on the cross for our sins, and God thank you so much for this whole family that I love". I am not adding a thing, does it get any more pure and from the heart? Two nights ago, the same day I heard the news on our ultrasound he prayed this "dear God, thank you so much for the baby you put in mommy's tummy, and God thank you so much for helping it grow...." we hadnt told him a thing about the ultrasound and hadn't talked about the baby in a few days. But God sure showed us his face that night through our first born, the first child he entrusted to our care. Some people work so hard to get sales awards, some work to buy that new BMW, others that second home. Me, Trent, we as a family are working so hard to have children that love and serve God. This prayer we heard, and this conviction, so pure and sweet, was the greatest reward ever! Thank you God for giving us such amazing children, incredible direction in how to grow them, and such unwavering love in our lives!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Worst mommy, but too funny not to share...
Nap time is mommy time. This means, everyone naps under the age of 18 and sometimes mommy does too! The rules are no coming out of your room unless there is blood, smoke or a need for the bathroom. So, I was enjoying my 2 hours of mommy time to get dinner ready, check emails, rest, ect and I heard Dash crying. It went on for awhile (wont say how long). This is somewhat normal for him as he is not one to like to settle down. I finally had enough and went to encourage (we know what that means) him to have his nap time quietly. when I opened the door, this is what I saw. That would be our dora potty seat. He had put it around his neck and it was stuck! Really stuck. It took about 2 minutes to get it off. I am such a bad mom, but you have to admit that is funny!
Most annoying couple
The Jolie-Pitts have to be the most annoying couple! Lets start with the fact that they had an affair while he was married. Then they flaunt it by getting pregnant within months of starting this affair. To make matters worse, they decide they dont need to get married to be committed, instead they decide to just go ahead and have another baby. They do tons of international work for the poor, why not use your stardom and fame to do what is right instead of trying to make others look the other way when it comes to your blatant disregard for marriage and family. YUCK!
My Sister Rocks
she sent me this cookie bouquet because she knows me better than most. i love sweets but more importantly she knows what is dear to my heart, my family. She had each of our names put on a cookie to remind me of how special each of us are and what a blessing they are. Definitely what I needed right about now! thanks bird... I love you!
Monday, February 25, 2008
Faith in Real Life
So many times I have said "Put your faith in the Lord", " This is God's will you have to have faith", " God knows what he is doing, trust him, have faith". Easier said than done. We had an ultrasound today and were slapped with a big dose of reality. No heartbeat, what? a possible nonviable pregnancy? As we sit in no man's land and wait... wait until next week when we will try again to see a heartbeat... I am left with time to really lean on my faith. We have tried to get pregnant four times and have gotten pregnanat four times, we have had three healthy, beautiful babies...and now a big fat speed bump in my little plan. Now it is time for me to not only Believe in God, but Believe God (as our awesome pastor, Dan Plourde puts it). Yes, I must dig in, and throw all I have at having faith. The way I see it is, God creates life, he decides what to do with each life and as hard as it may be to accept, he may decide this little life is going to be with him before we meet it in heaven. I also believe God gave us this perfect body to create life and he designed it so it does what it must if that process is not viable. Grief is still a part of the process and I am sure we will feel it, if in fact we have to face this next week, but growth will come with it. So my hope in all of this is I will grow, I will be able to have an even more convicted heart the next time I counsel someone to have more faith. Because without it, where do you turn? It feels good to know I can have faith in Him and he will take care of this. It feels good to know I have no control over this. If feels good to know... it just feels good to know God.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Things to Do with Kids Part 1
As an experienced, well experienced in my own mind, here are my suggestions of fun things to do with your kids. This is our favorite! We call it "DO DAHH". The child is swung back and forth while we sing do, dah, do, dah, do, dah, dooo, dahhh at which time we release. In this photo, Pace got a little too much air. In the background, you can see the headboard for a frame of reference on how high he was. This will leave your kids begging for more! And it is a great workout too!
Here it Goes..
So here it goes, my attempt at blogging! I have been reading, commenting on and enjoying everyone else's blog, I figured it was time to step into this new hi-tech journey and try it. I find I always have an opinion so what a perfect way to get it all out there...I have no idea when i will find the time to blog, but will try it anyways... hopefully the kiddos will not get into too much trouble while I am typing away...
This is a photo of my sweet baby girl, Scout. She is a mile a minute as you can see from this photo. We have been spending a lot of time at the beach lately. Trent is great at taking the kids on the surf board, burying everyone and digging giant holes! Mom gets some time to actually sit! Life is so good, God is so good. What an incredible life I live!
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