Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Run Emily, Run

Some girls shop, some do spas, me? I run. When I was pregnant, people always wanted to give me a jogging stroller. Even now, people say "so can you recommend a good jogging stroller?". No way. Running is when mom is off duty. Running is my time to be with the girls. Through running, I am able to really bond with other women, we can talk about our kids, marriages, sports, faith, pop- issues, politics, anything and there are no kids to interrupt, no phones to answer, no email to respond to. Just us, the pavement and the gift of gab. I love running with the girls. I love knowing that we all have different walks of life, that we all can be completely honest and up front with each other about our opinions. I love that when I come home, I am refreshed, I have sorted out all the junk that girls need to sort out, I am ready to be a wife, mom and friend. I don't know what it is that running does or why it feels so good when you are done. Maybe it is the camaraderie of getting up at the crack of dawn with someone and hearing each others joints crack and watching each others bodies awake. Maybe it is the ability to just talk and to just listen. Maybe it is knowing that no matter what happens the rest of the day, you accomplished one goal. Maybe it is knowing you burned off the mid- afternoon snack that is definitely not going to be the perfect " protein to carb diet food". Maybe it is just knowing that as you put one foot in front of the other, you have put time into friendships but also distance between you and the junk in your life. I love running and I love the girls I run with. Each of them has a unique and important role in my life. One is my best friend, I could write a post just on her, she downright rocks! She will always be honest, she will always put me in check, she knows when I am not be true to my God and myself, she supports me and pushes me when I want to give up not only in running but in many other endeavors.. I love her for all this. One of my other running girls is the queen of " style". I say this because, you never know what she will show up to run in. I love this about her, because it so truly represents her personality. You never know what you are going to get when we run as far as conversation, advice and humor. But you will always get optimism, unwavering truth about her opinion and sincerity. She is the truest friend in that she will tell you like it is but will love you through it all. She has awesome quirks and awesome knowledge about all kinds of cool things, nature, plants, travel... She is always in a good mood even when she shouldn't be. My newest running buddy is " mini- sports me". Yeah, this chickadee loves sports like me. That makes her "a chosen running buddy" just on the merit that she can talk sports. We differ on teams but not on too many other things. She will listen to my endless gab without getting too annoyed and has years of wisdom to offer in my areas of struggle even though she is ? years my junior. She gives me hope that my kids have a fighting chance to grow up with a biblical mindset and with a pure heart. She loves to push herself and isn't afraid to try something new. Competition drives her.. .this is key.
Like I said, some women shop, some women spa. Me? I run. I run so that I don't race through life without girlfriends and the amazing things they teach me in these early " girls morning's out".


Lyndsey said...

Aw great post! So I got home this morning and told Andrew that I want to be like you when I'm a stay at home! I can totally tell that getting some alone, girl time in before your day starts makes you the best mom. You are so patient and have so much energy with them. I have never once heard you say you were exhausted or worn out when talking about your kids. It is so cool and refreshing to hear a mom rave about how much she loves her kids! It gives me hope as a mom :)

And... I was just telling my friend Hannah from Kentucky of how thankful I am for you and that I have someone in my life who will push me again!

Bryonm said...

i like running by myself... i enjoy the solitude.

Anonymous said...

..Orange and Blue game this weekend!! Woo hoo! I know that had nothing to do with your post, but I wanted someone to share in my excitement.