Monday, June 23, 2008

Love is part 3

Love is making a tray of Lasagna for your husband to eat while you will be out of town.
Love is running out into the pouring rain to "save" you son's prized (at the moment) stuffed animal.
Love is the ache you feel when your child wakes from a nap and runs frantically around the house looking for you while you stepped out front to get the mail and trying to calm him down while he explains he thought something happened to you.
Love is knowing that although you remember your sins of the day before, God has not only forgiven you but forgotten.
Love is the ability to keep offering hugs and kisses at 5:32 pm when all three kids are crying, the dinner buzzer is going off, your power is flickering from the storm and you are still trying to remember if you brushed your teeth this morning.

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